Good Wednesday

Skarp liked the album cover Eric and I did for them. Woo hoo. Now onto the layout… which is due in a week or so, and we have no lyrics, recording info, song order, or even song titles. Way to go! Ludicra show last night went very well. Good times, good sound, lots of genuine music lovers came out to appreciate Wolves in the Throne Room and Bloodhag, too. Well, booklovers came for Bloodhag. You get the point. Christy and I did lots of leaning back-to-back like Maiden. We’re hams… and I love it. Jello came out and I got to chat with him a bit. He finally saw us have a good show with good sound. He didn’t even know I was doing art for his label. Well… that happens. He’s busy hating Tipper Gore or something.


I played a show last night

Hmmm… I’ve never been a fan of LA. But quite frankly, the kids know how to rock. Also, I think I hurt my foot jumping into the crowd too many times. Well, the jumping was fine, it was the getting flipped over their heads and landing on the floor that was the problem. I’ve been asked to sign autographs before, which is always weird, but totally cool as who am I to be a dick and tell some kid that I’m a nobody. BUT… it got weirder when I was requested by people to do them one of “my” toilets. I guess I’ve been quick-doodling that thing for some time now and someone noticed. Oh wait, the show was technically in Corona. LA can still go to hell then. But Corona is pretty rawkin’.

Impaled show

Went off like a bomb. All the hard work, the stress, the heart aches, the carpal tunnel typing bulletins, evites, the late-night radio, the cajoling… it paid off.


Sometimes you forget about what friends you have, then your good friends all show up and make you feel warm all over when you’re doing something you’re proud of. It was an awesome night, though I was still running around crazy, doing lights for bands (cause no one else was doing it) and drinking and having a generally good time with everyone. Of course, I didn’t get to hang with everyone… it was god damned packed!!! So yeah, a good night.


And I finally got a decent venue to put up Lord Gore and Engorged at! Stork Club, April 7th… dammit, they always hook us up good in Portland, and I want to show them the same down here. The Pound can suck my right nut. And my left. And my whole cock. Way to string us along… I gave up. Sorry kids, it won’t be all ages.

Ludicra gig

I am blessed. It must be all the good karma. This weekend Ludicra played. I have a truck, no tarp, but when I asked the rain to stop, it did… just long enough to get equipment to the show and to take it home. The show was fun, lots of good friends, new and some very, very old. Other than Aesop’s many technical mishaps with his aging snare, the show went well. 

There was a couple of moshers, which I am finding out are not appreciated at the typical Ludicra show. People would rather stand and take it in. So, note to moshers… come and mosh at the Impaled show where it’s all good. Go to the Ludicra show when you want to stare at your shoes or Laurie cradling her mic like a baby. That’s so twisted… 

I managed to get 7 safety pins in my arm by myself. No one noticed, but it felt good anyway. 

I liked the one girl dancing like a lunatic on my side of the stage. That was entertaining as all hell.


I went to Santa Cruz to see Gwar again. Having seen Gwar at their lowest point, it was a pleasure to see a sold out show with hundreds of screaming maniaxe blowing their lids for one of my favorite bands. I thought I would play it cool again and just kick back and watch the show. About three notes in, this notion was put to rest as I tore through the crowd lusting for fake blood and bad jokes. Several times, I hanged 10 over the teeming masses and was carried aloft upon waves of hands. Fake blood spurted over my accroutements until I tore them off and devolved into some sort of cro-magnon blood hound screaming and grunting for more. Unencumbered by shame or by duty or by obligation, I beat upon my bare chest and chanted with my fellow Gwar-lunatics as we banged our heads and pumped our fists. It was the best show I’ve seen in years. 

Speaking of shows… Ludicra show coming up: Saturday, Feb. 19 Ludicra Enablers Ovarian Trolley Psychlone Warehouse 3rd @ Marin San Francisco Don’t worry. I will have my chest covered at this show. I would hate to detract from my fellow Ludicrans by creating a horny hysteria and causing the audience to either be overcome with the vapors or to surge the stage for a touch.

nighty night

Oh yeah! THAT’S why I don’t drink whiskey any more… duh! Saw the Mass last night… fucking incredible. There was also some band right before them… all girls, all ironic. They’re sure to have an SF Weekly cover story any minute now. Left before the Fucking Champs or Amps or ch4mp5 or whatever they fucking call themselves these days. I was a bit to hipstered out, sorry. My friend Eric is rad. He helps me with art, he listens to my drunken ramblings, and he’s down to go bike riding to bars, houses, and clubs whose location we don’t know because I killed the battery in my truck. Cheers!