Houston went a-okay, pretty much. Some fight broke out during Disgorge because this kid moshed into a girl… keep in mind, this girl was throwing elbows and had just knocked over Billy from Blessing the Hogs. But her thuggish compatriots decided her violence in the pit should be greeted by flowers and pastries. Ridiculous… the whole thing interrupted what was a killer vibe.
Category: Music
From on the road
Crap. My S is broken. on of a bitch. thi uck.
Did I mention I’m on tour?
Not much computer access, and thank God. Did you know there’s life outside of this place? Fuck man, and it’s a’ight. Pretty sweet revelation!
OMG i h4v3 2 ge7 b2ck to 1t!!!!!1
I’m not watching porn for two weeks. My eyeballs are already starting to stop burning.
Hugs to my peeps, whether they want it or not.
I’m being yelled at to get back in the van now. I think Sean wants to cuddle… again. God, he’s such a queer.
Rockin’ the Jack
resigned to suck ass
Impaled is not going on tour. We were scheduled to go out for six weeks, but after a few months of not seeing one tour date, having the booker continually break promises to at least see a few, and the other bands not even having it mentioned on their website, we told the booker we were walking.
Impaled show last night
Time for more coffee and cigarettes.
Good Wednesday
Skarp liked the album cover Eric and I did for them. Woo hoo. Now onto the layout… which is due in a week or so, and we have no lyrics, recording info, song order, or even song titles. Way to go! Ludicra show last night went very well. Good times, good sound, lots of genuine music lovers came out to appreciate Wolves in the Throne Room and Bloodhag, too. Well, booklovers came for Bloodhag. You get the point. Christy and I did lots of leaning back-to-back like Maiden. We’re hams… and I love it. Jello came out and I got to chat with him a bit. He finally saw us have a good show with good sound. He didn’t even know I was doing art for his label. Well… that happens. He’s busy hating Tipper Gore or something.
I probably need to stop blogging
My blog before last… how whiny. Oh well. To wit, more whine… the little Impaled / Engorged / Lord Gore mini-tour was fun, no doubt. The guys in Engorged are the funniest people on the planet, and I got a lot of love and respect for Lord Gore. We played some killer shows in LA and Phoenix. In the Bay Area however… well, death metal just isn’t worth it. That is, not for the 21 and up crowd.
I see no reason for us to be playing around here for adults who just aren’t gonna go see a show we’re playing. No amount of press helps, no amount of flyers… Impaled is playing what we love, and the people who also love it are about 10 years younger than us. If we can play for them, awesome. A good gig with a huge band? I’d consider it. In the meantime… no more headlining 21 and up gigs. Don’t even ask about us doing benefits. If it’s not a solid all-ages package, we’ll pass. I don’t feel like I’m too old for death metal, just too old to not be smart about it.