Modify Apple’s MagSafe 2 into MagSafe 1

Apple Computer is such an annoying corporation. They make these tiny changes to their stupid cords because they expect all of us to be rich tech bros upgrading our shit constantly. Well, I’m a cheap skate and I’m still rocking a seven-year-old laptop. But I did lose my charger. It was a MagSafe 1 charger. You know what’s incredibly hard to find now? MagSafe 1 chargers. Well, it turns out MagSafe 2 is the same fucking thing, just slightly different in size.

I picked up this old charger off craigslist for $20. It was late, we met in front of a grocery store, and I didn’t realize it had the wrong end until I got home. Dammit. Do I call the guy back? Do I try and sell this one myself? Or do I fuck it all up on my own DIY like I always do? You can guess the answer.

Turns out the MagSafe styles are just that: styles. The substance is the same. As you can see, they have the same five pin configuration surrounded by a magnet.

I like grinding metal, and beyond music, I also like to grind metal. I took a Dremel tool the damn thing and ground it down to size.

This works both ways… MagSafe 1 can be ground on the sides to work with MagSafe 2, and vice versa you can grind the wide part off a MagSafe 1 plug to fit into a later MagSafe 2 port. Apparently, Apple couldn’t figure out how to make them both compatible, but Dremel did. And it works fine. And I didn’t have to spend $80 bucks on a OEM charger.

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8 thoughts on “Modify Apple’s MagSafe 2 into MagSafe 1

  1. Hello,

    I came across this post on a Google search when I had a similar issue. I got a MagSafe2 charger for my 10-year-old MacBook Pro by mistake; it was too wide for the port. I then used a cheap 4V cordless dremel tool to grind the metal on the tip of the MagSafe2, and it now works, charger salvaged! Thanks for posting this.

    1. because they are assholes. everything could be the same and work across all devices, but these are proprietary and they want the $$$

  2. Thanks for your post its really helpful I’m in Ethiopia my sister bought this charger by a mistake from apple store for my old mac in us i can’t return it. the grinding option is my last chance. just say me ‘do it” or ”don’t do it”
    finally I would like to say the company is a trash!

  3. It works thanks for posting. You def have to Dremel the sides inward and downward . I mistakenly bought on ebay ms 2 .

    1. Thx for this tutorial bro, i have 2 macbook pros with magsafe 1 and my mother has a macbook air with magsafe 2, and she did not allow me to trim the charger it self so i trimmed the macbooks magsafe port to fit the MagSafe 2, and it worked!

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