The wah was working well now. In fact, really well. I like the PWO wah sound a lot more than the already incredible wah sweep on the Power Wah Fuzz. It has a richer body to it, allowing a more full range of frequency to come through. I also like the fact that this is one of the rarer Morley pedals that doesn’t double as a volume pedal, like the Wah-Volume WVO. On the PWO, the treadle can be left at any angle and engaged into wah mode. On the WVO, you’re subject to where the treadle is set for volume when you want to engage the wah.
Next up, I tackled the aesthetics. Hey, if you’re gonna have a huge, chrome box taking up stage real estate, it better look sharp. This guy had a lot of dimpling in the chrome finish that led to big rust spots. The spots look worse than they are as oxidization spreads. The best thing to do is get rid of as much as you can with a fine 000 grade steel wool pad rub down.
The bottom of the pedal was pretty fucked. The rubber feet were gone and it had velcro from being on someone’s pedal board. Nasty masking tape was also on there. It all had to go. This is where A.D.D. is a blessing and curse… does the bottom of the pedal really matter?
I had to get a little more aggressive on this part. The bottom is made of sheet metal and not chrome plated. It requires sandpaper to polish. I started with a 320 grit and moved up to 600 and ended with 1200 for as fine a polish as I could get. I replaced the feet with some generic sticky-backed rubber feet available at Radio Shack. They are really close to the originals.
For once, the 387 power indicator bulb was actually in-tact and working. This is usually blown and folks think their pedal is dead. As a matter of course, I like to tape in a spare bulb for future generations. I believe the children are our future. Hey, that’s got a nice ring to it. I should write that down, or something.
Something about these old guys made in the ’70s… sure they take a little more massaging, but they are able to keep on ticking and kickin’ ass. Oh, and the pedals from that era keep working, too.